When To See a Sleep Specialist

Sleep is such an important part of your daily functioning and without proper sleep, you can feel cranky, and unproductive, and it can be hard to focus. Your primary care physician may recommend that you see a sleep specialist so that you can improve your quality of sleep and feel rested and full of energy throughout the day. Dr. Mohan Philip at Greenville Pulmonary Associates in Greenville, TX, can explain how a sleep specialist can improve your life and when it’s time to visit one.

When to Visit a Sleep Specialist

If you find that you’re just not able to get the sleep that you need and you wake up restless and exhausted, it may be time to consider visiting a sleep specialist in Greenville, TX. You might find that you get a full night’s sleep, but you’re still fatigued and unable to focus throughout the day. Your sleep specialist will be able to study your sleep and find out what the cause is so that you can get the peaceful slumber that you deserve.

If you find that you’re having issues falling or staying asleep, you’re constantly exhausted throughout the day, or you’re unable to focus on meetings or tasks like driving and watching tv, it’s time to visit a sleep specialist. Often, when sleep issues are ignored, they can lead to more severe problems that can affect your overall health and cause serious complications in your life.

When dealing with sleep problems, it’s important to keep a sleep journal so that you can document all of your symptoms. This can help your sleep specialist figure out exactly what is affecting you so that you can start feeling rested again.

Visit Your Sleep Specialist Today

Sleep is so important and should never be neglected. Contact Dr. Mohan Philip, your sleep specialist at Greenville Pulmonary Associates in Greenville, TX, at (903) 454-9976 today.

Our Location

4221 Ridgecrest Rd # 107 Greenville, TX 75402

We are closed for lunch from 12:30 to 1:30 daily

Business Hours


8:15 am-5:00 pm


8:15 am-5:00 pm


8:15 am-5:00 pm


8:15 am-5:00 pm


8:15 am-2:00 pm



